Finances Are Yours!

This page is for informationregarding Godly financesand His plan for the Prosperity of His Children according to HisWord. The Bible tells us about God's plan for the prosperity of His children,and the place that He starts is maybe the reason that we have a problemwith the prosperity message many times in our lives. He starts inMalachi3:8-12 His Words here are 'will man rob God? Yet youhave robbedMe! But you say in what way have we robbed You?  In tithes andinofferings.' The very first place we must start isin understandingthe obedience of bring our first fruits in to God's work.


Those first fruits are exactlywhat they sound like firstpart of everything that comes in, not just what's left over.In Proverbs3:9-10 it tells us about first fruits "Honor the Lord withyour possessions,and the first fruits of all your increase; So that your barns will befilledwith plenty, And your vats will over flow with new wine." Seethatis what God was talking about robbing Him the first part of everythingbelongs to Him, and when we don't give that to His Work, then we arerobbingHim. When we do as He has said, then we can have the prosperity that Hehas also promised, and that is what we will look at now.


In Malachi 3 it goes on ".....Bring the tithes into the store house, That there may be food in My house, And try Me inthis"says the Lord of host, "If I will not open for YOU the windows ofheavenand pour out for YOU such blessing, That there will not be room enoughto receive it." The God principle of prosperity starts righthere ina scripture that we may want to stay away from because it is going tocostus some of OUR finances. But the challenge from God is this "TryMe Now In This."  When we are willing toapply The Word toor lives, then we can live in the promised land!


Theanother principle that we mustapply before we can live and walk in the promised Financial Prosperityis found in III John 2. It says this "Beloved, I pray thatyou may prosperand be in health, just as your soul prospers."Are you putting GodFirst in every area of your life, all the time? When we dothen oursoul prospers and so then will our finances.


Psalms1:1-3 gives another principleto use in our quest for prosperity. it tells us this "Blessedis theman who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the pathof sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is inthe law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. Heshallbe like a tree planted by rivers of water, That brings forth its fruitin its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whateverhe doesshall prosper."


Thisis a promise in prosperityas well as no dry times. Joshua 1:8 also talks about the sameprinciple,it says it this way: "This Book of the Law shall not departfrom yourmouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observeto do according to all that is written in it.For then YOU will makeYOUR way prosperous, and then YOU WILL have good success."


Asyou can see in all the scripturesthat we've looked at so far, we play the key part in our success andprosperity.It is God's will and plan to prosper His people. If we look at John10:10Jesus said "...Ihave come that they mayhave life, and that they may have it more abundantly".Thewordabundantly that Jesus used here in the New Testamentmeansthis:'Superabundance, excessive, overflowing, surplus,over andabove, more than enough, profuse, extraordinary, above the ordinary,morethan sufficient.'
Thisdoes not in anyway sound likeGod's plan for our abundant life or prosperous life included lack, lessthan enough, or I'm not sure that I'm going to make it!
NO,instead it shows us that HISPLAN is just the opposite, it is for more than enough, overflowing, andsuperabundance!


Ifwe look in Genesis 2:12 we findthat God put in the Garden of Eden gold and the onyx stone when Hecreatedit. More proof that God is for prosperity, because He furnished it evenwhen there was no need for it.

Remember to receive God'sProsperity You MUST do it HIS way and not your own, or you will findyourself on your own!